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We look forward to working with any group interested in presenting and analyzing medical data using abosolute risk/benefit and the BRCT model.  Talk to us about how we can help you.  We encourage anyone interested to buy our book or to request a copy from us.  Below are a sample of services we can provide, and we are able to help you in other ways that are best suited to your organization.  We are always happy to be creative.

Available IHBR Services:


  • Help to create a comprehensive program that helps organizations enhance shared decision making, reduce overtreatment, and reduce the cost of medical care.  This can be accomplished by the purchase of books, the creation of custom BRCTs, and instructional meetings with appropriate parties.


  • Make presentations to: medical students; hospital administrators; nurses; health insurance and pharmaceutical companies; and the media; regarding the interpretation of health benefits and risks and ways to avoid overtreatment.


  • Design BRCTs related to specific medical conditions - physicians, hospitals, the media, institutions which emphasize shared decision-making and patients.   CLICK HERE to see sample BRCTs.


  • Analyze stories  in the media that discuss medical interventions.   We use BRCTs and accurate data to demonstrate the real value and concerns of these interventions beyond what is discussed by the press.  CLICK HERE to learn more about this program, and CLICK HERE to see a specific example. 

  • Use BRCTs to assess the accuracy of drug advertising to help doctors and patients discuss medical interventions and not be swayed by misleading messages that lead to overtreatment.  CLICK HERE to learn more about this program, and CLICK HERE to see a specific example. 


  • Provide information related to interpreting health benefits and risks in a format that is most useful and practical to your organization.  CLICK HERE to see a sample of one-page sheets that simplify compex medical information for patients.


  • Organize and participate in seminars focusing on the general subject of interpreting health benefits and risks.


  •  Assist in the design of risk/benefit algorithms and educational packets.



If you are interested in learning more about IHBR services please go to our contact page or click: contact us.


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